Tuesday 30 August 2011

[FIC] What's in a name: Eunhyuk

Title: What's in a name: Eunhyuk
Characters: Eunhyuk
Rating: G
Wordcount: 581
Summary: Endings always mean the start of a new beginning.
A/N: I wrote the first drabble (which was Leeteuk's) on the 8th of May and since then have gradually written the others as well. It is one drabble a member. There are no plotlines, this is basically my positive fangirl view on what goes on in their minds I guess, and I just really enjoyed writing these out, although it sometimes was a major battle.

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Endings always mean the start of a new beginning.

Unlike most people, he knew this was true. He had seen it happen a lot, in times where his life had taken strange twists and turns. In times where he knew nothing but the aching truth of the words he believed in so deeply. Because the words also meant that when something new started, something else had to end. It was sometimes so normal when he thought about it, at other times it was too painful to imagine and he wouldn’t know how to deal with the idea.

Not many had the same opportunities in life like he had gotten. Not many knew the same chances, luck and success that he had known. He would often think about it in bed, right before sleeping. In those few seconds between his head touching the pillow and him falling asleep, he would realise that, even though it could be hard work, he had gotten very lucky being able to actually be an artist. He considered himself lucky to have been able to develop his talents and he would never be able to imagine his life differently.

He would sometimes, after long schedules, wonder if he had chosen the right thing, if he had made the right decision. Because sometimes he would regret the choices he had made and wonder if things might have been better if he had just remained the calm little boy that no one knew, who had some really good dance moves, but that was about it. Sometimes he wondered if the start of his trainee life had ended something that would have otherwise been so much better than the things he had now.

Yet he also knew that the things he had gained probably were so much more completing than the things he might possibly have gotten when life had turned out differently could ever be. He was one to take life with a grain of salt, not caring about what others thought and just going at his own pace. He didn’t just take what was given, but refused what he didn’t want and fought to gain more when needed. He made his own starts and chose to end things himself.

Underneath the outer layer of self-assurance and coldblooded fighting for his own goals, however, he often also had a more emotional side. He needed the feeling of camaraderie a lot and would do anything for his friends. He didn’t care about his fame, opportunities or money. When something was on with his friends, he would protect them until his last breath, making sure that they were alright before giving his own needs attention again. That was also the reason that he felt so emotionally tied to his fellow members.

Keeping them safe, keeping the fourteen of them close, was something that he would always try his best for. He had a never ending loyalty towards their group and he would gladly suffer if it meant keeping them together. Letting go of Kibum, Kangin and Hangeng had been hard, even though they still remained part of his group of friends, and he would do anything to keep them from harm, even though they were so far away. If anything, he wished he could bring them back and keep everyone happy. But he couldn’t. All he could do was hope that his fourteen friends, his second family, would never know an ending. So he fought for them with all he had.

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