Tuesday 30 August 2011

[FIC] What's in a name: Zhou Mi

Title: What's in a name: Zhou Mi
Characters: Zhou Mi
Rating: G
Wordcount: 595
Summary: Zero was a nice amount to start with, in his opinion.
A/N: I wrote the first drabble (which was Leeteuk's) on the 8th of May and since then have gradually written the others as well. It is one drabble a member. There are no plotlines, this is basically my positive fangirl view on what goes on in their minds I guess, and I just really enjoyed writing these out, although it sometimes was a major battle.

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Zero was a nice amount to start with, in his opinion.

However, the general idea was that somewhere along the way, one would start gaining something. It didn’t have to be treasures or kingdoms, but something, anything at all, would be nice. Yet from the moment on he had started to try and make something out of his life, from the moment on he had reset the count to zero, he had not gained anything at all the first few months. It had all been fights and hardship, struggling to make it big in a country that wasn’t even his own. It had been hard and he had felt like a piece of toilet paper more often than once, but it was during those times that he had realised the value of friends.

Overall his life had been quite peaceful. He had been the son of loving parents, growing up in a nice environment with a good amount of friends. There had been no real hardships for him throughout his years of studying, no big turns in life that he hadn’t expected. He had really been an average kid with an average life. That was, of course, until his talent for singing had been discovered and he had started participating in competitions. They were all for fun at first, not at all being a way for him to escape the boring nothingness of his life, like it was the case for some, but more something to have fun with, to see how far he would get in them.

Until his audition for SM Entertainment.. When his friend told him about having subscribed him for it, he had been surprised and shocked, but he had also liked it. It had been like a whole new adventure, being put in for an audition with a real music company. The surprise had been great when they told him he had passed and joy had been all around. Until he was sent to Korea to go join a group there to make it big with. That’s where the trouble had started.

Most of his friends had encouraged him to take the shot and go become an idol, but when they found out about his hardships, they had seen their own mistake and had often apologised. He had always laughed their worries away, for what good would it do to have them worry about him, yet it had indeed been a hell to live in. The group, of course, had been no problem at all. They had easily accepted him and had soon treated him as one of their own, but the fans..

It had been hell. Trying to live up to the expectations of so many, trying to stand against the hatred of even more. There had been times that he wanted to give up, but he had remained strong for his dongsaeng, who had gone through the same struggles. He had shown his strong side, had kept showing the fans and the anti-fans how he could take whatever they threw at him. At times where he really had wanted to give up, his members, his newfound family, would be there to cheer him up and help him go on, and when the first of his own, personal fans had shown up at the concerts, he had finally felt that he had gained something. Not only did people believe in him now, he also had his fourteen friends and family members, and even though he didn’t see them often, they were always there for him, together with the fans.

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