Monday, 29 August 2011

[FIC] Just for one night

Title: Just for one night
Characters: Hangeng, Heechul
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 1.934
Summary: Hangeng visits just for one night, Heechul disagrees
A/N: My friend came over for a few days, we got to role-playing some Hanchul while lying in bed. (We were supposed to fall asleep early, but it didn't turn out as expected. I think I fell asleep at around 4AM, still in the middle of the RPG.) We had a little co-starring by my cat Lyntia, but that's about it. It's squishy, it's not really plotline-ish.. Probably just fluff without plut? Or something to the likes of that. Hanchul without plot? Enjoy either way.

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Heechul lay in silence on the bed, staring into the dark that surrounded him from all sides. There was a sudden shadow popping up right in front of him, but before he could back away in fright, a loud, happy purring was to be heard and he smiled with a sigh.

“Baengshin-ah.. Don’t be such a creeper.” he murmured to the cat, poking its nose softly with one finger. The only reply was a lick on his finger after which the cat calmly made its way to the pillow to lie down there and go to sleep. Something, he realized, he should do as well to be fit the next day. Yet somehow sleep didn’t sound all that interesting.

Right at that moment, the person behind him suddenly turned a little and an arm was strategically laid over him. He huffed and pushed it off of him, but moments later it was put back. The sound of the other’s calm breathing was rather entrancing and the warm air blown against his neck every time felt more reassuring than anything had done in the past nine months. He let out an annoyed groan, but snuggled closer against the warm body behind him anyway.

“Tell me again why you have to leave?” he wondered out loud, putting his hand on top of the other’s. There was a short silence before the answer came, softly and almost hesitantly.

“Because I have a concert tomorrow.”

He could only huff again when hearing those words. “Cancel it.”

“And disappoint my fans? I can’t do that. They all paid for their tickets and expect me to come.” the other mumbled, causing him to sigh deeply.

“I’m sure they won’t’ mind you postponing your concert. They can wait a little longer.” he protested, but the other chuckled amusedly.

“I have to go, Chul. My plane is at seven, I have to get up at five to catch it.” the reply then came, followed by a soft sigh from the other as if talking about it seemed to make him remember the crappiness of the whole situation.

“Five? But that’s like..three hours from now.” Heechul muttered in protest.

“Yes. All the more reason to shut up and get the last few hours we can get.” the smile was obvious in his voice as he said those words, after which he turned a little to position himself better and then rested his chin on Heechul’s shoulder.

“I don’t want to sleep. When I wake up you will be gone. I don’t want you to be gone.” the latter said to that statement, his voice slightly whiny. There came no immediate reply and in the silence that followed, Heechul wondered if the other had fallen asleep, but suddenly Hangeng moved closer to him and muzzled their cheeks together.

“I will come back tomorrow.” he then promised, smiling lightly.

“Yeah, sure. You said that last time too. ‘I will be back soon.’ But I didn’t see you for nine freaking months, you moron.” Heechul immediately contradicted those words.

“Well I was incredibly busy, Chul. Besides, I told you I would come back, yes, but I never said how long it would take. This is my last concert and I took some free time without schedules, so I’ll be back tomorrow.”

The silence that followed showed how much Heechul believed those words. Before anyone could say anything, however, a certain cat woke up again and decided that three in the morning was the best time to go hyperactive without warning. So they both nearly rolled out of the bed in shock when suddenly a cat jumped on the covers and started attacking everything that moved - or moved just in his mind. It took some time for their suddenly erratic heartbeats to slow down again.

“You know you could have at least called or something. I don’t need you to appear at my doorstep, but a call at least?” Heechul continued the conversation softly once that was the case.

“I called. You just didn’t pick up.” Hangeng immediately contradicted, making Heechul frown and then feel slightly guilty, glad that the Chinese man could not see his face in the dark.

“You have to text me first, I’m busy.” he snapped, but he knew the other saw right through the façade and the lies. He wasn’t surprised when the answer that followed had completely nothing to do with the matter at hand.

“You’re an idiot.” Hangeng told him in such a way that made it clear he was not angry about the little lie but more amused and maybe even thinking it full-out laughable. Heechul didn’t even need a second to give an answer; “Yes that too.”

Hangeng smiled over those words, resting his head a little closer next to Heechul’s. There was another one of their silence, before he patted Heechul’s hand. “Go to sleep.” he then mumbled.

“I don’t want to sleep. I’ll stay awake until five and then make you stay here.” the elder protested with no humour whatsoever in his voice.

“Fine.” Hangeng calmly replied. “Do as you please, but I’m going to catch some sleep now.” He closed his eyes, but obviously didn’t really expect to be left alone to sleep by Heechul, as he merely lay waiting until the other would talk again. Meanwhile, Baengshin had given up on his hyperactivity again and calmly walked up to the pillow to lie down again right above their heads. It was when his belly touched the fabric, that Heechul spoke again.

“Tell me again why you have to get up at five..?” he mumbled, eyes closed but still very much awake and completely engulfed in thoughts about his friend’s flight from the next day.

“I have a concert tomorrow.” Hangeng replied with a sigh, knowing that he should have expected the question coming from his friends.

“What time?” the latter immediately inquired to know.

“Five in the evening.”

“Who goes to a concert at five in the evening?” Heechul rolled his eyes as he said those words, thinking the timing pretty stupid.

“Apparently lots of people because it’s sold out.” the younger immediately retorted, sounding slightly annoyed. “But it starts at eight. Only I have to be there at five.”

“Then why do you have to go at five in the morning? Sleep a little longer.” Heechul grumbled, untouched by the annoyed sound of the other’s voice. He lifted his hand and stroked the cat above his head a little. His actions earned him a loud purring almost right next to his ear.

“Because I wasn’t supposed to be here from the start. I didn’t even tell anyone I was coming here.” Hangeng sighed, slightly starting to think that maybe it had been wiser not to show up in Korea at all. Then again, he had promised to come back, so there was no way he could’ve stayed away forever. One day he would have had to face Heechul’s wrath anyway, so better now than later, when it would have been even worse.

“Oh, so soon you’ll get a call from your manager asking where the hell you are?” the elder sounded almost as if he was looking forward to that, but Hangeng shook his head, even though Heechul couldn’t see that.

“No.” he replied, leaving a short silence before continuing. “I turned off my phone.”

Another silence ensued and Heechul found himself wondering why the hell Hangeng showed up at eleven in the evening just to spend a night of sleep in Heechul’s bed and then leave again at five in the morning. He was still in the middle of thinking bad things when Hangeng softly took hold of his hand and intertwined their fingers.

In the following minutes they didn’t speak anymore again, but Heechul felt how Hangeng softly squeezed his hand and snuggled closer to him. A small smile appeared on his face and he slowly pulled his fingers out of Hangeng’s grasp. Yet even before he had the chance to pull away his hand completely, it was already taken hold of again and Hangeng intertwined their fingers once more. There was a slight battle of wills going on between them, before Hangeng kind of won when Heechul decided to let their hands be clasped together.

“How have things been, Chullie?” the Chinese man slowly asked, caressing the other’s hand with his thumb.

“Fine.” Heechul replied rather coldly. “I learned Chinese.”

“Ni hao. Wo shi Hangeng, ni shi Xi Che.” the soft voice immediately told him, making him chuckle slightly at the still only slightly familiar sound of the Chinese and his Chinese name. “I missed you.” Hangeng then softly added to his words, much less joking then before.

“I didn’t miss you. At all.” Heechul coldly replied, but there was a smile on his face. And he still smiled as he turned his head a little to the other to be able to catch a glimpse of the Chinese man’s face. The movement merely earned him another cheek-muzzle, which proved to him that Hangeng didn’t believe a word of what he was saying.

“You’re ruining my perfect skin.” he therefore complained half heartedly to his friend.

“You sound like such a moron, Heechul. You’re complaining like an ahjumma. Or maybe you’re more of a noona. You do look like one. My noona.” the latter then told him with a soft laugh. Heechul scoffed, but felt a slight bit of amusement at those words.

“You are such an idiot.” He said with a hint of that same amusement in his voice.

“I am your idiot, my noona.” Hangeng went on joking, causing Heechul to pull his hand out of Hangeng’s completely and swat his leg. Yet the other seemed to have seen that coming, because there were arms wrapped around him again immediately and he was pulled closer against the Chinese man’s chest a mere second later.

Right at that moment, a rather stalker-like Baengshin placed himself right in their middle, pushing its head against Heechul’s shoulder and practically stuffing its butt in Hangeng’s face. The latter merely pulled one arm free and moved the cat back to the pillow.

“Ah Baengshin.. I know you never really liked me, but this is really too much.” he sighed.

“What are you talking about? Baengshin just loves you! Heebum is the one who can’t stand you.” Heechul retorted amusedly. His words caused the younger to snort slightly.

“He even holds part of my name. Ungrateful cat. Much like his owner..” He let a few seconds pause between those words and the next. “ noona.”

Heechul’s soft laugher made Hangeng smile as well and he wrapped his arm around the other’s middle again, snuggling as close as possible and resting his head against Heechul’s back. It didn’t take long for him to sink away into a hard-needed sleep after he closed his eyes, leaving Heechul awake all by himself to ponder over everything for a long time.

The next morning woke him with a lot of movement to his left. “Good morning.” he mumbled, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the sleep. There was an angry sound coming from next to him.

“Good close to noon, you mean? It’s eleven. My alarm clock didn’t work.” Hangeng then said, obviously a little more awake already than he was himself. He lay in silence for a while longer before a smile tugged up the corners of his mouth.

“Or maybe someone turned it off.” he said amusedly. A short astonished silence followed, before the arm around his middle was pulled away.


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