Tuesday 30 August 2011

[FIC] What's in a name: Siwon

Title: What's in a name: Siwon
Characters: Siwon
Rating: G
Wordcount: 548
Summary: Some people believe that there is more to life than what we see.
A/N: I wrote the first drabble (which was Leeteuk's) on the 8th of May and since then have gradually written the others as well. It is one drabble a member. There are no plotlines, this is basically my positive fangirl view on what goes on in their minds I guess, and I just really enjoyed writing these out, although it sometimes was a major battle.

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Some people believe that there is more to life than what we see.

In fact, he was one of those people. He was convinced that the things he saw in front of him were not just what he saw. Events needed a reason to be happening and people didn’t turn out less fortunate just because. He didn’t mean to say that poor people were meant to be less fortunate, it was just that he believed there were reasons for everything and that everyone would be judged when their time came. One couldn’t go around playing a bully and simply have the world accept it, because there was a reason for it, that’s not what his theory meant. Yet he was still convinced that things didn’t happen just like that.

Whenever life got tough, he would tell himself this. He would convince himself that there was a reason for people to be so cold towards him, for the project to be so hard, for the steps to be so difficult to learn, and so on. Being born and raised in a Christian family, he had strictly believed in God and such, but even though he probably wasn’t going to stop believing, it had lessened quite a bit when he started his path as an idol. Not that the members weren’t Catholic, most of them were, but there wasn’t always time to go to church every service nor was there time to pray before dinner, because for many of the food he ate, he only got two minutes. Sometimes it was hard to keep up with everything he wanted to do in his life.

Of course his belief didn’t keep him from having fun. The amount of free time he had was divided between his church services and his friends. He was one who could enjoy life the way it came to him. Moments of simply sitting at a cafĂ©, drinking coffee and talking with friends were the most precious ones. He believed that the ones we love are those we should keep close. It didn’t matter if they were white, black, green or blue, people were people after all and if they were put on our path for us to meet them, then who were we to deny that meeting? Who are we to go against what was meant to be?

Now it was also untrue to claim that he never went against anything. He would for his friends. When Kyuhyun had gotten the accident, he had prayed for him every day, trying to make sure the boy would get through. When the second album came out and people bashed Henry, he had told the boy that it was all nonsense and that he should be strong for it would soon be over and then he would have passed the test. When all the difficulties happened with his hyungs, he had prayed for a way to make it all go back to how it had been, how it was supposed to be. It was his first time having to convince himself that everything happened for a reason. So he told himself that if God had given him the chance to meet all the members, He also had the right to take them away again..but he had rather He didn’t.

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