Title: We are Super Junior
Characters: Super Junior
Rating: G
Wordcount: 943
Summary: Debut day.
A/N: Wrote this for Suju's 5th anniversary and was rather shocked when I found out I didn't post it up on my LJ, so here's the little story, almost two months overdue. x]
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This was it. the moment they had all been waiting for. The moment they had trained so hard for. Finally all the hard work would pay off and they would be able to show the world- or at least the nation - that there was more to them than meets the eye. They were all equally nervous, checking the microphones that were given to them. From the distant maknae up to the very involved leader, they had all been fidgeting in the make-up chair at a certain point in time, nervously glancing at the friends they had made over the past few months of harsh training and time spent in such a close proximity.
In a corner of the room, the foreign member Hangeng was on the phone with his mother, Chinese words flowing out of his mouth like water going down a waterfall. Next to him sat the usually big-mouthed Heechul, who was now talking silently to the quiet maknae, Kibum. The few chairs they actually had were taken by some of the elder members. Jongwoon (or Yesung like he would be called from now on) was testing his voice, Youngwoon (or Kangin) clenched and unclenched his fists, going over the dance steps once more in his head, and Sungmin mumbled his lyrics like he hadn’t sung them close to a hundred times before already. The young yet focused Siwon sat with eyes closed, hands clasped together, muttering words at a soft level, praying his God for strength, whereas Ryeowook occupied the make-up chair, letting the noona fix the last few inaccuracies. On the other side of the room, the happy-go-round Donghae, Hyukjae (or should we say Eunhyuk now?) and Shindong were going over the dance once more, discussing the little bits and edges of the steps they’d like to perfect, that no one else would ever pay attention to anyway.
And then there was the last one, Jungsoo, who soon would be known all over the nation by the name of Leeteuk, leader of the new group Super Junior, a twelve member band that was supposed to make it big in the idol world by being able to do more than just singing and looking good. He stood near the door of their dressing room, his eyes moving over all the members, making sure everyone was alright, silently marvelling over the fact that finally, after so many years of hard training, the day had finally come.
It was at the moment the door opened and some random person working for the broadcasting station announced they were up next, that all the individual members got up and gathered at the door, their separate identities fading away as they blurred together into just one identity, one entity; Super Junior. There were nervous glances and encouraging touches of hands all around. It didn’t matter anymore who they were close to and who they didn’t really know that well as they tried to give the others strength, a little reassurance that things would be fine and they would totally rock the stage.
The door opened and they gushed out into the hallway, one and all bows to every other artist they passed, mumbled greetings from the first corner to the last, where they were drowned in the darkness of backstage with the music of the group performing before them loud in their ears. They huddled together, searching for the only familiar thing amidst all the new experiences. Hushed promises were made, Leeteuk gave them a last run over of the performance and then there was the usual applauding and cheering that came with the end of a song.
As the group before them left the stage, they huddled even closer together, and somewhere amidst that trouping, someone stuck out a hand, after which other hands were soon added. Someone took the shy Ryeowook’s hand to put it on the heap as well and Heechul dragged in Hangeng, who still didn’t feel all too comfortable with everything, until they all had their hands on top of each other. Somehow the feeling of other hands, equally slick with nervous sweat as their own, seemed to make breathing easier and the increasing warmth because of the close proximity they were in calmed down their frantic heartbeats.
And then a voice shouted what would from then on be their standard shout, something to use wherever they were, whenever they were there, to introduce themselves to the outside world, to show that they were one, would fight their way through together, that they would make it big together. The next moment they swarmed onto the stage, where the lights blinded their eyes and the screams of fans they had yet to get familiar with cleared out all other sounds in their heads, until there was nothing left but the music, the others and the overwhelming need to put down a perfect performance.
It was only about five minutes later that they came down from the stage again, yet it felt like it were hours. They were all trembling, sweating and looking more like a bunch of lost kids than the trained young men they were, but they felt as accomplished as if they had just climbed Mount Everest. Of course there had been some inaccuracies here and there, some wavering voices or slightly wrongly executed dance steps, but who cared, because they had actually done it and people had cheered for them, had encouraged them. And as they streamed back into their dressing room, sinking down onto the ground, chairs or other people’s laps, they all shared the exact same thought for that one, glorious moment;
We are Super Junior
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