Title: A Very Twitter Day
Characters: Heechul, (Side) Shindong, Hangeng
Rating: G
Wordcount: 1.506
Summary: Heechul gets twitter for the first time.
A/N: Obviously written on the infamous day that Heechul got twitter and deleted it again after 12 hours. xD
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Kim Heechul.
Super Junior’s number one Flower Boy.
Korea’s number one arrogance.
The world’s number one pretty face.
The great Kim Heechul.
But there was one thing Kim Heechul wasn’t so great at; computers. And let that be the exact thing he was working with right now. Or actually it wasn’t working.
He had gotten the idea from Shindong. (Well, Shindong had already suggested it a few times in the past, but it was only when Donghae and Sungmin had started talking about the wonders of it as well that he had decided he should get on too.) So now here he was. The great Kim Heechul. Lost in the unfamiliar world of Twitter that had been so wonderfully praised by his dongsaengs:
- Because it was an easy way to communicate with international fans.
Yah.. He could see that..
‘50 new tweets.’
‘120 new tweets.’
‘350 new tweets.’
‘1025 new tweets.’
More like a one-way communication with fans?
Besides.. Weren’t tweets the sounds birds made? So he was chirped at by a bunch of sparrows right now? What a flattering comparison for his petals..
- Because he could talk with other celebrities and show his friendship with them to the fans.
Sure.. But he first had to find these so-called other celebrities. Because, seriously.. Myblacksmile? Where did Sungmin think he was born? Africa?
- Because it was an easy way to give short updates to fans at all times, even by using your phone.
Of course! If he would know how to decently update to begin with..
Besides, what was he going to update with 140 characters? Maybe if he left out all the spaces, he’d be able to say half of what he really wanted to say..
Not going to happen.
So, Heechul decided to wait until he got home after schedules. Surely Shindong could be convinced (or bribed) to help him get a hang of it. Surely his dongsaeng would be that kind. Therefore, he decided he’d wait until then.
He continued his radio show, ignoring the still increasing amount of new tweets. Somewhere in the back of his head, he felt a rush of relief that he didn’t tick off the box for the ‘Receive a mail for every tweet you get.’-option.
After Youngstreet recording, Heechul set off to his next schedule, banning the Twitter situation out of his head. It was not until a lot of hours later that he was confronted with it again. He had come home and had opened his computer to check his Cyworld, when he had noticed his latest entry about Twitter again. Unable to ignore the slightly curious feeling, he clicked the link that lead him to his own Twitter profile.
Heechul’s eyes almost bulged out of his head when he noticed that. How long did he have this account now? Five hours? He went to check. Oh.. Okay.. Eleven and a bit. It was doable. A little afraid of what he was going to see, he clicked ‘Home.’ A long list of totally unknown people’s tweets was rolled out in front of his eyes. He scanned through them lightly.
@hee18 Heenim you are the best!
@hee18 Welcome to Twitter, Heechul oppa! ♥
Heechul wanted to close the site, realizing that he didn’t get a word from whatever the fans had written to him except for his name, but suddenly the green thing popped up again.
‘2 new tweets.’
He clicked on it, suspicious of what might happen. The messages slid down as two new ones appeared at the top. Heechul cursed his wannabe-English skills once again as he tried to read what people were saying to him. He sighed when it didn’t work out.
To heal his ruined pride a little, he decided to check some of the options by himself, since Shindong wasn’t home yet. Sungmin had schedules as well and there was no way in the name of every possible living thing that he was going to ask Donghae to teach him something. The boy would probably get a good laugh out of it and he’d end up still doing it by himself. For those reasons, Heechul started his discovering route through Twitter.
- Lists
So.. One could make a list.. Of what? Why? What would he do with lists? He wasn’t tidy enough to list everything.. Forget about it. Next!
- Followers
He had followers. Lots of them. People listening to him. Would they follow him into war? His eyes scanned the icons and he let his mouse linger on some to read the names.
pastakyu? Hahahaha! Oh, he was so going to tell the makn- Shisus_On_Crack!?
If silently laughing had been his goal, he had shot the ball in the total opposite direction, for he threw his head back and laughed out loud. Oh dear God that he didn’t believe in. That name was simply brilliant! As he scanned some more names, he realized that the names of his followers were so much cooler than his own. He decided that couldn’t be. He would have to change it.
- Name change
He was going to find it! For sure! He certainly wasn’t going to let this silly Twitter thing beat him. Him. The great Kim Heechul. No piece of technology, invented by human hands, was going to outsmart him! In the name of everything that can and cannot breathe, he was going to beat this piece of webpage senseless!
Click. Click. Click. Click. Click.
Suddenly some page full of English explanation appeared on his screen. He scanned the words without really reading and simply clicked the button he assumed was the ‘Ok, I read this crap, pass this useless screen and get me back to my normal Twitter’-button.
‘You have successfully deleted your Twitter account.’
He stared at his screen for a good ten minutes, before finally snapping out of the trance he was in and quickly returning to the previous page, hoping against all better knowing that he would be able to undo what he had just done. But no. Of course not. Life wasn’t that easy to him. His account was gone. Really gone. The nearly twenty-two thousand followers he had would all realize that sooner or later. He had to take action before they did.
But what could he do? He could certainly not tell the members. They would get an even bigger laugh out of this than if he would tell them he was going to wear his grandmother’s clothes for the rest of his life. The story of ‘Heechul who lost from Twitter’ was going to be spread around all Korea and people would point and laugh when they saw him. He couldn’t let that happen!
So, Heechul did the only thing he could do in his current situation.. He called Hangeng.
“Heechul?” the all too familiar, surprised voice of his friend came through the speaker, the moment the other picked up. Heechul didn’t have time for reasons for calling and introductions, though.
“Hannie! You have to help me!” he exclaimed a little panicky. “I made a twitter account but now I accidentally deleted it. I can’t tell anyone because they will laugh at me like crazy. What should I do? Find a way to fix it! I can’t let my image be ruined by this!”
“Heechul-ah.. I have no time for this. I have to go for schedule. You’ll figure out a way to fix it.”
“What? But Hannie, I n-”
Beep. Beep. Beep.
What the..? That chinese brat! Did he think being in China meant he did not have to show respect to his hyungs anymore? Heechul dialled the number again and patiently waited for the other to pick up.
“Chullie, I told you I h-” Hangeng started, but he didn’t let him finish.
“I don’t even want your help anymore!” he called out into the speaker, before ending the call. There. He had that coming. And that calls himself a friend. Yah, sure.
It was not a minute later that Heechul got a text. He flipped his phone open to look.
‘Just pretend you did it on purpose because that Twitter thing annoyed the hell out of you, Chul. Mianhe, but I really have an important appointment.’
Being the adult grown-up he is, Heechul decided not to reply to that text and just let that disrespectful piece of fried rice bake in his own oil. Fobbing off with him like that. No one rejected the great Kim Heechul. No one!
But his idea did sound very appealing..
That’s why minutes later, Heechul had opened up his Cyworld again to write a new entry in which he would voice his negative opinion about that Twitter thing towards his fans. At least this way, no one would find out about what really happened. He imagined soon, when the members read his entry, they would start convincing him to make a new account, anyway. He could immediately change his nickname in something better as well, then.
How about .. Heedictator?
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